So last night we looked online to see where the best beaches on the Cape were, and on each list that popped up we saw "Sandy Neck Beach" mentioned, so that's where we headed this morning. So over the Bourne bridge into Cape Cod we go, to the beach at the Sandwich/Barnstable town line about 45 minutes away, and this is the 1st view we see of it.
It's still early as we crest the sand dunes and look for our spot, but as we get ever closer we realize the beach would more appropriately be named "Rocky Neck Beach"! You need shoes on the entire time you are on this beach, even in the water. There are "patches" of sand, but this is by no means a "sandy" beach!
A little later in the day, shoes afoot, we decided to take a walk down the beach towards the RVs we could see in the distance. This is one of 4 identical Winnebagos we saw. We stopped and I asked one of the owners about it, and he said his was a 20 ft long (ours is 40 ft) 1972 model. It was really cute and perfect for a young family to squeeze into. Locals can get a season pass for $70 a year and pay $6 a night to stay right on the beach. They can only stay 4 nights in a row before having to leave for a night, but you could squeeze a lot of long weekends in here for almost nothing!!!
The water was cold, but I got in up to my waist after a few splashes...might have dove in if I wasn't straining to keep my flip flops on!!!
Surprise of the day!!! Cathy actually put her feet in...I would have bet money she would never do that.
One of the rocks caught in her flip flop!!! haha Not exactly graceful!
After packing up and leaving the beach, we decided to take a ride down to Hyannisport to see if we could find the Kennedy Compound. Along the way, on the side of the road at the top of an electricity pole, we saw this hawk in a huge nest at the top of the post. I got out to take pictures and it made quite a verbal racket at my intrusion before flying off. On the way home later, on MA-25, we actually saw another nest with what looked like 2 adults and 2 babies, but we couldn't stop fast enough to take pictures.
So we get to Hyannisport and drive around aimlessly a while before stopping in a Dunkin' Donuts to get coffee and maybe get directions. (This is where I drank the guy's coffee, but that is another story.) Anyway, we bought a map of the area and asked a local if he knew where the Compound was, and he headed us in the right direction. We knew we had to be close to where it was when we saw a young woman standing in the middle of the road and taking pictures, so I asked her if she was a local...she said no she was from Ireland-haha...but she was with a friend who knew the area and down this private road was the whole Kennedy Compound. She told us to go around to the public beach and we could get a better look.
So off we went to the beach and walked along until we came to this house 1st. The Irish lady had told us this was a house actually owned by the owner of the Gap and Banana was HUGE!!!
Next came the actual Kennedy Compound. I zoomed in when I saw some people...thought at 1st it was the gardeners, but with the red hair on the woman I am thinking it may well have been a couple of Kennedys out sprucing up the place before a big party. (I figure the tent indicates a big party.) haha
So Cathy and I are taking pics of the Compound when I look in the water and figure this guy just has to be a Kennedy...doesn't he look like them? Cathy thought the blond might be one, but I would bet money that as a minimum the dark-haired guy is. He turned his back to us when he realized I was zooming in on him, further evidence that he is used to avoiding the public. haha
So that was our day...hobbling thru the rocks at the "beach" and Kennedy hunting. It was fun.
Great post ! LOVED the ice nutrition label.
ReplyDeleteWe've run across "sandy" beaches like that before....ouch, ouch, ouch !
Thanks for sharing.
The dunkin donuts story is too funny!!!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe you have become a stalker???????????????
Leave those poor Kennedy men alone!!!!!
You went for a mother's swim!!! You are getting old.
I'm surprised you and Cathy didn't get put in jail for messing with the Kennedy's. That would have been a good story. Plus that guy did look like a Kennedy.