26 May 2022


May 26, 2022--A quick note before we get started.  Cathy fixed the HTML code so you should be able to click on each picture now to make it bigger for a better view.  Also, for those of trying to write comments--go to comments at the bottom of the blog and click there.  Next you will see "Enter Comment", so click there.  When you do a screen will come up saying "Comment As: Anonymous" and there is a drop down arrow there.  Click and you will then see a list of 3 options, and you want to click on the one that says "Name/URL".  Just put your name there and then hit continue and you can comment.  It sounds more detailed than it is.

So, off we went to Ruby Falls today, a cavern discovered by mistake by Leo Lambert back in 1928.  Tours actually began in 1930, so he didn't take long to capitalize!  Cathy and I were here about 25 years ago with her mother and father, and like today, it rained then also. lol  We have actually had rain and total cloud cover every day since we left Ft Myers on the 21st.


I put these pics here so you can see what I'm dealing with.  lol  Notice the difference in the 2 pics.  Jeannie took the one of Cathy and I, and didn't take even a moment for us to smile.  Now look at the beautiful pic I took of Jeannie and Caja...close-up, smiling, really looking happy to be here.  I now have to give Jeannie remedial picture taking classes. lol


We had to take an elevator 420 feet to the floor of the cavern.  When Leo discovered this, he and a few helpers crawled on their bellies for 6 hours, in an 18 inch high space, to find what he ultimately found.  I get the creeps just thinking about that.   


There are Stalactites and Stalagmites in here, among other structures.  The Stalactites grow down from the ceiling, while Stalagmites grow up from the ground, and they only grow 1/2 an inch every 100 years.  In this 1st pic is a Stalagmite that they let you touch--they don't want people touching anything else in here as the oils from your hands will stop the future growth of what you touched for 10 years.


You'll need to click on these pics to see just how pretty they are.  I put 2 of the Leaning Tower just because I liked it so much. lol


There are a few formations they have named...this 1st one looks like a fish.


Here we have bacon and a potato chip  (They may be taking a little license with the chip--lol)


More bacon followed by tobacco leaves.  Now I've never seen a tobacco leaf, but Cathy assures me this is what they look like before they dry.


Here is the main room we have been trekking thru the cavern to get to the actual Falls.  As I said earlier, we started at 420 feet off the elevator, and we are now at 1120 feet below the surface.  The falls is measured at 145 ft...really quite amazing!  The video will light up for you after a few seconds, so don't turn it off.

They keep changing the lights, giving a different take each time.


When you turn around from the Falls, this is directly behind you.  You see Cathy has a mask on...a few other people did also, but the vast majority did not.


The trek back to the elevator.  A little fun fact:  In the 1960s this cavern was made a designated bomb shelter with enough food, water, and medicine stored for 720 people for a few weeks.


And finally, Caja and I up on a rock tower made from stones excavated from the cavern.  We are looking out at the city of Chattanooga and the Tennessee River.

Tomorrow we are off to Rock City, so more to follow!


  1. Who is that couple in you picture at the falls? That was the best part of the tours the falls

    1. I don't know who they were--they just got in my picture...lol

  2. Love the pics of your tour but you really made me laugh at the difference of the pictures of you and Cathy compared to Caja and Jeanne. Lol

    1. Let's just say that Jeannie is a work in progress! lol

  3. What fun you 4 are having. Your photos are great and the cavern/falls were amazing . Glad you are taking the time to work on your photography skills.
    Carry on and keep posting.

  4. Kathy WhitehurstMay 27, 2022 2:49 AM

    Hey, the pics look great. Caverns are so cool to see up close. Keep the blog coming!

  5. Love your blogs! What fun and I learn something too. So good to see pics of you! Have a great time and I look forward to more

  6. Love the pictures of the waterfalls especially since they appear to be all different colors! One of my favorite things is a waterfall but I really don’t think I could have gone down in that elevator??? It gives me the willies just thinking about it!!!

  7. Great Pictures! I'm glad you're back blogging. I get a kick out of your comments.
    The falls are beautiful but I don't think I could go that far below the surface, claustrophobic!
    Till next time:)

  8. Not happy with Jeanne’s picture taking, for sure needs a refresher course! We’re really enjoying your pictures and descriptions. May have to do this trip sometime.

  9. That is an awesome place for sure! It is great to see it all with you!

  10. Visited Ruby Falls, oh, about 2002. Your photos bring me back. I remember it was quite amazing, especially being so far down-under. I remember remarking that I was an Air Force gal & not a submariner. LOL. TN has so much natural beauty. Don't know that I'll get back again. Thanks much for sharing the charm & the fun, ladies. (Signed, The Other Jeanne)

  11. Beautiful pictures!! I was wondering who the couple were too!! Lol
    I can honestly admit, no way would I have gone done!!!

  12. Hi Kids, love the pictures and great descriptive writing! Super impressed you went all the way down there! What was the temperature of the cavern like?

  13. It was in the 60s, Walter.
